We've been MIA from the blogosphere lately with all of our moving going on. I didn't have internet to my computer until Thursday, so I'm finally up and running! There's so much to share, so I'll see how far I can get in one post...
Here are some moving photos - moving is so hectic! Especially since you know last time we moved, we had packers to pack up EVERYTHING for us and loaded all - we didn't lift a finger. This time was all on us! It was a lot of work but thankfully we made it!
Sad to leave our place (but looking forward to the future)...
Nick left for Minnesota September 30th and had a productive day driving from here to Ankeny in one day (12ish hours). He got a good night sleep at my Aunt's place and headed out the next morning.
Not too far into his drive, he saw smoke looking into his side mirrors. He knew there was a problem of some sort, so pulled off the interstate to find this:
A tire on his auto-transport had blown! Thankfully, U haul provides a service for things like this so a guy came to the rescue (about an hour and a half later...) and put on a new tire!
So he was back on the road and made it that day. I felt much better once he was settled and not hauling his long load across the country anymore. He started his new job in the financial industry the following week and now has two weeks behind him! He's been really busy working during the day and studying for certifications at night. I'm so proud of all of his hard work and will give him a big hug and kiss when I see him next month!
We had a storm one morning this week on my way to work and it looked so beautiful from our window at work as the storm clouds started to recede and the sun came out.
In other random news, my mom and I went to deep clean our apartment a few weekends ago and stumbled upon opening day of the In-N-Out burger place not far from our apartment. There's just a few of these in the DFW area now and the first one to open had people sleeping in tents a few days in advance to get a burger. Even this opening day had multiple drive-in lanes and had police officers directing traffic in the parking lot.
AND I can't forget a highlight of my day.... getting a Twitter message from Iowa Girl Eats! I've followed her blog almost daily for quite some time now, have made (and posted) her recipes, laughed out loud about her and her husband Ben (and the prank she played on him that backfired! Ohmygoshsofunny, go watch it here) and not to mention she went to my high school! I retweated a tweet of hers this week and today, she thanked me for it!
Sorry- this one's a little blurry |
I was so excited to have heard back from her - she's like a celebrity you know! Many of you probably know her blog so you know what I mean. Plus, she's been on KCCI (local news) a few times now showing her cooking skills. I'm honored she spent that extra minute of her day to thank me!
That's it for now. And GO RANGERS (and BOO Cardinals)!