Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Move From the North to the South

A farewell happy hour with some of my co-workers - I'll miss them!

And the movers boxed everything up Wednesday

They were packing and moving everything from 8:00am - 3:30pm. We couldn't help them at all and it was very boring for us :) Oh, the rough life. We're SO grateful for all of the assistance free to us for this move.

And it's all gone! Our stuff is all packed up and in storage until we move into our new place in just under 2 weeks. It was sad to see our first place as a married couple empty, but we're excited to move forward too.

We got to see many beautiful views on our road trip! This photo is in Minnesota.

And of course, the beauty and comfort of the Iowa landscape...

Here's Kansas, day #2 of our drive, south of Topeka

The clouds were amazing south of Oklahoma City

It's a little hard to see, but there's a rainbow in these clouds!

It was hard to capture the red clay in Oklahoma, but this is a red clay river

Welcome to Texas!

More pretty clouds- what a photogenic day for these clouds! Can you tell what kept me entertained on this car ride? :)

The sky got dark as we drove into the DFW area

Then came the rain.

Not even 5 minutes later, the clouds and hard rain passed and blue sunny skies were back

The hotel we're at for 2 weeks until we move into our apartment

Our kitchen

Our hotel is very homey and even has an upstairs with a second bedroom and bathroom. We're definitely spoiled getting our bed made daily, dishes done, and trash taken out for us. Not to mention the complimentary breakfast, happy hour with snacks every day, outdoor pool and fitness room. Even with all of our temporary living benefits, we'll be excited to get into our apartment and get settled into our life here.

In the meantime, I'm on the job hunt here, wish me luck!
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