Part 1 of this post I've been meaning to get up for a few weeks now and Part 2 is new...
Part 1
Rachel, Jared and Judah's visit to Texas (check out Rachel's blog and great mommy stories here). It was seriously great having friends in town and people to explore with. Not to mention seeing all of Judah's sweet baby smiles, quality time with Rach as well as Nick and Jared having some "guy" time together. Fun was had by all and we wish we could see them more often!
Part 1
Rachel, Jared and Judah's visit to Texas (check out Rachel's blog and great mommy stories here). It was seriously great having friends in town and people to explore with. Not to mention seeing all of Judah's sweet baby smiles, quality time with Rach as well as Nick and Jared having some "guy" time together. Fun was had by all and we wish we could see them more often!
Part 2
Decorating for CHRISTMAS!!! And a great snack recipe.
Decorating for CHRISTMAS!!! And a great snack recipe.
Our wreath is on the door, the tree is up, next step is getting up the ornaments and I'll put up some photos of that too :)
I also tried this great recipe for Black Peppered-Sugared Almonds over the weekend for the NE/OU game... sad outcome of the game, but GOOD snack! That always helps, right? :) I can't stop eating them and seriously think I'll never have to buy those flavored almond cans again - I can make it myself now! This recipe is from Sara B's Consulting site/blog - one of my favorites.
1 lb raw almonds
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 tsp minced garlic
2 tsp course ground black pepper
1 tsp sea salt
1 egg white
1 tsp water
Mix sugar and spices in large bowl, set aside. Whisk egg white in second large bowl and add water, whipping until frothy. Add almonds and coat with egg white mixture then pour them into the sugar/spice bowl, coating the almonds well.
Line a large baking sheet or jelly roll pan with foil + Pam or I used parchment paper and that was great. Spread almonds on pan in single layer. Bake at 250 degrees for 1 hour, stirring after about 1/2 hour. Once out of the oven, stir almonds to keep from sticking and let them cool.