Friday, August 13, 2010

Touring DFW

Our first weekend here we checked out George and Laura Bush's place. Near their place at least, probably just a handful of houses past the gate according to the house numbers. Notice the surveillance camera and signs galore at the gate :)

Here's the intersection of the gate at the Bush's; they live on Daria Dr.

This one's for the Webb family! Makes me smile each time I see it.

Enjoying a creek (in the shade!) near our place

My Dad, Aunt Michele, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Melinda came to visit! We found a photo op with a long horn :)

My dad and his good friend John Wayne

The world's only twice daily cattle drive - at the Fort Worth Stockyards! Nothin' between these huge long horns and us but a few authentic cowboys. They sure keep them in line!

Their horns are massive and can be up to 7 feet tip to tip. They look heavy to hold up - talk about a sore neck ;)

Sight seeing at the shops at the Stockyards

Sizing up Johnny Cash's hand print at Billy Bobs - this place is great! Tons of hand prints from famous stars who have been there, bull riding and great concerts on the weekends, not to mention great Texas food. This is a great place to visit if you're ever in Fort Worth!

Texas Ranger's ball park in Arlington! It's really a beautiful structure.

The architecture reminds me of an ivy league college or something.

Right across the street from the Rangers ball park is the Dallas Cowboys stadium, home of the 2011 Superbowl! This photo doesn't even capture how massive this building is.

The sight of JFK's death in Dallas, the Dealey Plaza - the assination happened on the street there by where Aunt Melinda is standing. It's a very surreal place to visit imagining what it was like that day, not to mention the crowds of people who were there and witnessed the whole thing.

The view from the grassy knoll, where there is much controversy whether or not the last shot was fired from this spot, behind the fence. There are witnesses that are at the Dealey Plaza each day now telling you what they saw, as it is not the same story the government will tell. Very interesting.

Moving along in our tour to see the Gaylord Texan Resort. This place is huge and beautiful. Nick and I visited here when he lived here and saw the ice exhibit along with the Christmas tree lighting; that was a sight to see! They go all out for Christmas.

Dad with his friend Taylor (still at the beautiful Gaylord)- he lives in Dallas and gave us a tour for a day!

Photo op in the bright sun in the atrium at the Gaylord. It was so great having family in town and seeing the sights with them! We're thankful they could make the trip.

This is a HUUUGE pile of paper (probably 6 feet?!) from unpacking our stuff in kitchen boxes. I swear we had probably 8x this much paper if we collected all of the paper contained in all of the boxes. At least it kept our stuff safe - well most of it anyway! We're still organizing and unpacking a few last boxes but making lots of progress.

We're thinking of everyone and keeping an eye on the crazy flooding in the Midwest; stay safe, everyone!
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